2040 Comprehensive Plan is the city’s policy document for land use and related decision-making. The plan is used by the planning com
mission and city council when it makes decisions related to zoning, subdivision (platting), public facilities and redevelopment.
While the comprehensive plan does not include detailed development concept plans for particular sites or designs for public facilities improvements, it does set the stage and provide guidance for such plans and designs to be developed later. The city council adopted the comprehensive plan on Oct. 2, 2019 after an extensive public involvement process.
For questions or more information regarding the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, contact Crystal City Planner Dan Olson at [email protected], 763-531-1142. Except for the Local Surface Water Management Plan (Appendix H), the Comprehensive Plan document available on this website does not include appendices. If you would like to view those documents, contact the city planner.